What's lead generation?

What is a lead?

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Not all leads are created equal.

Cold leads are less engaged and need a lot of attention before they progress through the funnel.
Qualified or hot leads have had many interactions with your brand and are much more likely to convert.

Why does lead gen matter?

lightbulb graphic with blue blob behind it

In B2B, lead gen content is often presented as a webinar or long-form content.
Long-form is usually published as a downloadable PDF - but this format offers no meaningful tracking data for digital marketers.

How to qualify a lead

10 ways to improve your lead generation

How does Turtl help with lead generation?

Turtl Analytics tells you

  • How many people opened your content
  • If they stayed on the page or bounced straight off
  • How many of them went deep into the content
  • What the average read time was
  • What part of the content they engaged with most
  • What content changes need to be made
  • Who filled out your lead capture form

Lead generation trends

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