What's email nurturing?

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Designing persuasive email nurtures

Email nurture campaigns

Email nurture FAQS from Paul 🧑‍🎓

Do’s and don’ts for nurture programs

Do: Keep CTA copy short and sweet

Keeping email nurture CTAs clear and concise is essential for getting someone to click through to other content. A short phrase that captures attention or explains clearly what they’re getting is exactly what you want. Consider CTAs you see often: Buy Now, See Here, Download the Guide.

Don’t: Overcomplicate CTA copy

If it’s too complicated to put into a short phrase, using something generic like Click Here will do the job and make the desired action clear. Many CTAs are based on UX tests that prove they work best for users, so go ahead and test yours.

Do: Make CTAs visible

It goes without saying, but if a lead cannot find your CTA easily then they aren’t going to go looking for it. A big simple button is likely the best candidate for style. If you only include one CTA, consider putting a button at the top and bottom of your email.

Don’t: Overload with too many CTAs

Sometimes you need to offer several things in the same email. Reaching out with hundreds of resources is just going to intimidate your lead. We’d recommend a maximum of three options.

Do: Keep consistent branding

This may seem obvious, but keeping CTA buttons in your brand colors helps retain brand cohesion. If a customer often engages with nurture emails, they’ll know what to look for if they want to quickly click through. That consistency will stick in their mind.

Don’t: Lose recognition

Don’t use inconsistent messaging or buttons. Help people recognize email elements quickly so they can navigate your content easily. Put guidelines and processes in place with your team to keep everyone on track.

Free guide: Email masterclass

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