The future of retirement income

Packed with pop art, polls, and pension advice, Redington has put their own twist on a familiar brand to really make their financial advice resonate.

They’ve made the most of Turtl’s adaptable format to elevate and enrich their content through interactivity, as well as some enticing calls to action.

With such gorgeous graphics and interactivity throughout, it’s no wonder the average read time for this Doc is 44% higher than the industry benchmark!

Data visualization

Real-time polls

Animated imagery

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Research reports

Digital brochures

Interactive whitepapers


Product guides

Thought leadership

Trusted by businesses of all sizes

More about Turtl


Designed to turn reads into leads

The only digital reading format rooted in psychology, proven to deliver 10x more attention than PDFs and over twice as much attention as web pages.


Mindful lead nurturing: Email cadence, content and CTAs

Get email marketing right in your lead nurture strategy with Turtl’s helpful lead nurturing dos and don'ts for standout nurture programs. (Plus, download your free takeaway guide.)


Content psychology 101

Discover what goes on in your readers' brains and how to make sure your content marketing gets the engagement it deserves.

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