If you’re not putting out relevant content, in relevant places – you don’t exist.” Gary Vaynerchuk

Nowadays content is everything. For most copywriters, creating content is never an issue. Helping it reach the right people and getting them to engage with it is usually trickier.

In order to make your post shareable, you have to share the right sort of content. It is imperative to remember that the focus should not be on content alone. Instead, offer a mixture of consistency, depth and a true desire to create conversations. To create the right sort of content, it is always advisable to know current trends. Whether regionally and according to specific markets, you need to know your target audience well.

This post is not about creating content. It is about using a specific platform in the right way to successfully share and amplify the reach of that content. That platform is LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Basics

We recommend sharing business related content on a platform like LinkedIn, as it gives users access to a not just safe-for-work, but great-for-work social media channel. LinkedIn consists of people who have interest in professional guidance and networking, and as a business you should be there to provide that for them.

Posting on LinkedIn lets your content be seen by your network and potentially their own network, expanding your reach organically. A professional social platform like LinkedIn is filled with people looking for news, jobs, employees, online training and other resources. This makes it the ideal medium to reach existing clients and potential customers.

A sea turtle in the water

Using LinkedIn’s reach algorithm for content amplification

Below are a few tips on how to properly utilise LinkedIn when aiming for enhanced content reach to the right audience.

Create a strong company profile

This may sound obvious, but without a branded profile consistent with the rest of your marketing, your success will be limited.

Spend the time creating a complete profile that truly reflects what you are as a business.

Post regularly and remember to make it as unique as possible

Wherever possible, avoid posting recycled material that your audience might already be familiar with. Share industry news, case studies and anything that may be valuable for your audience.

Send posts to staff and ask them to share the content as widely as possible

This a simple technique guarantees you multiply your content’s reach. Employees are the best advocates for your business because their connections are more likely to engage with them and spread it further.

Be proactive (and reactive!)

Perhaps most importantly, show engagement yourself. Make sure to respond to all the comments, shares and likes that your post gets. Show users that you create posts to start discussions and that you are keen to hear their thoughts. According to LinkedIn, when posts pick up high views and a lot of engagement in a short time frame they may automatically be promoted in different places on the platform. This leads to your own engagement on the post being even more essential.

Consider sponsoring your content

LinkedIn allows you to sponsor specific posts, from as little as £8 per day. You can set up targeting criteria which will then make your sponsored content appear on the homepage feeds of your selected audience. For instance, segmenting options include location, industries, skills, fields of study or academic institutions.

LinkedIn have recently expanded these options to include marketing and email lists too.
Sponsored content allows your posts to do is to reach beyond the current followers of your own company page or your employees’ profiles. Therefore for LinkedIn reach has massively expanding visibility and opportunities for engagement.

More info on LinkedIn advertising options are available here.

Check out LinkedIn Pulse

Pulse is LinkedIn’s own version of a blog and enables any user to simply and easily publish and share their thoughts on a particular topic. A great way to give your company (and employees) some visibility and build authority in your market. Test it with this link.

We hope this post will give you good insights into how to use Linkedin to support your content marketing strategy, thereby putting you on the road to content success. Browse our other helpful tips and tricks on our blog.

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